This is a valuable piece of writing,an explanation that brings light and meaning to what I have been hearing for many years with little understanding. Thank you so much.

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Thank you Madhumita! I was blown away when I first understood this hymn. Sadly, my words can't adequately capture the poetry's effervescence!

Many of us have lost touch with our heritage. Growing up, we did not read the scriptures, thinking they were a bunch of stories, or worse impractical and irrelevant mumbo-jumbo

When I read them now, I marvel at their lofty philosophy and practical wisdom, and something that would help our everyday life today.

Thank you, once again, for your kind comments!

Wishing you a very Happy Durga Puja!

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Thank you Reema for sharing the wisdom of so many great souls in such a coherent manner.

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Thank you, Pradeep! I have been meaning to write this ever since I heard it for the first time a few years ago.

I marveled at the lofty philosophy revealed and was upset that it had taken me so long to know about this.

Our scriptures contain profound wisdom that is so relevant today.

It's a pity many of us have turned away from them

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